The day started with hellos, running over the priorities for the next few weeks and discussing a complimentary schedule plan between us. Several cigarettes into the day and lots of informal chit chat round our desks, along with a comical second introduction of Louise's younger brother and it was going swimmingly. I felt helpful and was uber productive bashing out several fairly substantial blog articles for the back end of their website. (Blog section obvs) This was a new content management system called shopify, that was built as an e-commerce platform for running online exchanges with extra features such as the blog, newsreels, gallery uploads and additional pages etc. It was extremely simple to use, so much so I thought I was doing something wrong. Just pop up the content, add the usual hyperlinks and tags, save. Voila.
Articles were primarily fashion feature related of my choosing, but I created an expansive ideas list of many more, tying in music, original product design, history of fashion trends, London life and creativity etc. I also have responsibility of curating a playlist for their brand that plays as an online experience. Yay music! There were several business calls between Edward and Karis, liaising with PR, printer, companies and business contacts to get the shop ready! Bizzayy.
Edward took us out to lunch at Joe's brasserie up the road, pronouncing it a 'welcome to the company treat.' Cute. We had a lush Thai chicken salad and sides...and flat Coke.
Post lunch (after about an hour), we returned to the HQ and instated a 4.30pm day finish. I created a graphic design promotional image for the pop up shop opening! Thursday 15th- be there, 387 king's road, Chelsea. Edward, Louise and us interns shall be there running da ting! Part of pop up Britain. Exciting stuff, plus there's a competition to win a free pair of the originals. Karis and I were also made page admins to run the social media sites.
Also! The new Pocket collection is underway for Spring Summer 14 and THEY ARE LUSH. Pattern powerful and confidently colourful. Mmmmm gimme. Keep your eyes peeled ladies- the new look book book is to die for. Girl crushing on the model also. Check Pocket's Facebook for a preview.