Song Recommendation: Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home

Country and western, conversational and catchy. This song rides on a horse-racing-esque steady beat and is always moving forward. There’s no room for pausing, it works best like that. I enjoy the slight loose, heavy, Texas cowboy accents of the vocals, which become eventually more apparent as the song develops.

I also really love the theme. It’s comforting- the perfect travelling song, that i could happily play on repeat for the entire duration of a train cross-country, watching the sheets of green fields whiz past me, head rested against the window. It’s such effortless happiness into 5 minutes. The band probably don’t realise how much joy this track can bring to a person! It contains an ideal balance of minor and major themes, resulting in nostalgia and optimism.
'Home' possesses musical vibes similar to that of The Black Ghosts' music, Noah and The Whale and Mumford and Sons, so heads up if you're fans! This is even better.

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